Follow these steps to grant WinnowPro access to your Facebook Ads account:

  1. Login to your WinnowPro Dashboard.
  2. Under the Sharing Digital Assets page, click Connect next to Facebook Ads.
  3. Grant Access.
  4. Select the ad account you would like to give access to, click Select.
  5. You will see that the Connect button will change to Pending. Hover your mouse over Pending and click on the link in the pop-up. You will be directed to Facebook Ad account setup page.
  6. Click Respond to Request.
  7. Click the box with the check mark to Give WinnowPro access to my Advert Account.
  8. Refresh your WinnowPro Dashboard page. You should now see the green check mark to indicate a successful connection.

If you need further assistance, your Account Manager will be happy to schedule a video call with you to walk you through this process.

Click here if you need help linking your Facebook Business page to your WinnowPro account.